The Howard Partnership Trust

Admissions Information

As the Admissions Authority for all partnership schools, The Howard Partnership Trust  will admit pupils without reference to aptitude or ability from the locality and other areas to a level at which a quality of education can be provided for all. Admissions arrangements for all THPT schools comply with the School Admissions Code and the School Appeals Code.

Information on special school admissions processes can be found on the relevant school websites.

Admission Arrangements for 2024 can be accessed for each school via the links below.  Please refer to the individual school websites for further details 

Cuddington Community Primary School

Eastwick Infant School

Eastwick Junior School

Howard of Effingham School

Kenyngton Manor Primary School

Meadhurst Primary School

Oxted School

St. Lawrence Primary School

Thomas Knyvett College

Three Rivers Academy

 The Admission Appeals Timetable for September 2025 for all THPT Schools for can be found here