The Howard Partnership Trust

Supporting your child with exams

Supporting my child to revise

There are lots of different ways to support your child and every family is different. However some top tips are: 

  • Just taking an interest and asking questions about revision goes a long way!
  • Make sure they have a set place to study, even a corner of the kitchen table can work.
  • Ask them how they're revising and what strategies they're using: re-reading and highlighting on their own are not effective.  See the revision strategies in the resources section below.
  • Support them making a planner which has a balanced approach to revision including breaks and social activities.  
  • Quiz them using their flashcards. 

Resources for parents

From the Sidelines is a brilliant website for families.  They have 24 'Study Hacks' which cover creating the right environment to study, time management and productivity, strategies to revise effectively and look after their health and well being. 


Study Space


Silent focus/music

Equipment Ready




Revision Strategies

Retrieval Practice


Brain dump/ Blurting

Look, Cover, Write, Check

False sense of Familiarity

Desirable Difficulties

Distributed Practice




The Pomodoro Technique

Habit Stacking


Study Planner



Rest and Sleep

Motivation & Rewards

Night before an Exam

You can't fool your body

Set meal times

Stress can be Good

Hydration & concentration

Energy drinks

Movement and exercise



For each Study Hack there is a:

Study Hacks



 This Tassomai guide has useful tips for how to help revise different subjects:

tassomai guide.pdf

 This is another very good guide on 'How to Study' that you can share with your child: 

how to study.pdf

Support available from school

There is a lots of support available in school.  This includes:

  • Additional intervention sessions/Lesson 6s.  Students are invited to these based on the support needed.
  • Completing practice exams.
  • There is a lot of information (past papers, class resources, useful websites) available to students via Teams or Revision Hubs. 
  • A subscription to Pearson Revise Online.   Through this students can access free online copies of revision guides for subjects studied with Edexcel or AQA exam boards.  There are also quizzes and a planner tool.

Pearson Revise Online Guide

  • A short, weekly 'StudyEra' bulletin being emailed directly to Year 11.  Some of the content is linked here

Mental health and wellbeing

Exams can be a stressful time for young people - feeling a little bit anxious is perfectly normal and it's important to maintain a balanced perspective about exams.

However, if you're worried about your child's wellbeing there are lots of sources of support.  
